Basic Unix Commands


Unix is Confusing, So Why Use It?

Unix and Telnet

Simple Unix Commands

Advanced Unix Commands

Unix is Confusing, So Why Use It?

Unix is the base language of the Internet, for better or worse. Most web servers, game servers, and other computers that you can connect to use Unix. It will be useful to know a few simple Unix commans to log in , delete files, and so on, though you may not need to know this stuff if all you want to do is play games.

Unix and Telnet

In order to use any Unix function such as Talk or Unix Mail, first you need to get a Unix Session and log in with your user name and password. I can do this by sitting down at one of the computers at Brand X Internet and logging in with my username and password. You can get the same effect by double clicking on your "telnet" icon, connecting to, then give your username and password.

If you don't have a telnet program, you can get one for free. Check the Brand X Home Page, somewhere down near the bottom are links to sites that have telnet for Mac or Windows.

You may also be able to telnet using Netscape. This depends on which version you have, and how it is configured. If you want to try it click here. If it doesn't work, you may want to go back and download that software.

NCSA Telnet is the most popular telnet program for Macintosh. You can stat the progam by double clicking on the NCSA Telnet icon. The computer will come back with a dialog box. Enter the name of the computer you want to connect to under "host/session name". A moment later a window will come up and you can log onto our computer.

Here is a sample of how to start a telnet session at Brand X internet. We are assuming that you have already connected with a program such as NCSA Telnet.

login: jimp
Last login: Sat Nov 11 17:40:28 from
Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

You have new mail.
California, n.:
From Latin "calor", meaning "heat" (as in English "calorie" or
Spanish "caliente"); and "fornia'" for "sexual intercourse" or
"fornication."  Hence: Tierra de California, "the land of hot sex."
                -- Ed Moran
cellini %
Note the parts of the session: login, I type my username, then password, I answer with my (secret) password, then the computer comes back with the date, the copyright of the operating system, a note that I have some mail and a cute quote before brining up the system prompt (in this case it's "cellini" but this varies from computer to computer even at Brand X Internet.)

There is more detailed information on Telnet in the Brand X Help Page dedicated to this subject. Check the table of contents.

Simple Unix Commands

These examples show in a practical way how to use some of the basic Berkeley Unix commands on the Brand X system.

Advanced Unix Commands